FORE! We held our Fall social playing mini-golf on November 6th. (From left to right) Catherine Wakeman, Caroline Black, Alex Luecke, Jacqueline Miralles-Salazar, Randy Garcia, Hafij Al Mahmud and Omme Fatema Sultana.
On October 26-28th, Texas ASM held their Fall branch meeting at Tarleton State. Some of my PhD students attended to present their ongoing research.
On October 6th, Texas Tech University held its local 3-Minute Thesis Competition, which challenges students to give a brief synopsis of their theses to a broad audience. My graduate students (from left to right): Alex Luecke, Caroline Black, Jacqueline Miralles-Salazar, and Hafij Al Mahmud all competed this year.
This May, we had our first lab social event in some time. It was a great way to celebrate the end of the semester and congratulate our graduating seniors and another Master's student, Alex, who will be returning this summer to start his Ph.D. program!
Congratulation to Caroline Black and Jayc Waller for graduating with their Master's of Science in Spring semester
On June 22nd, we celebrated Jiwasmika's successful dissertation defense. This will be our lab's second Ph.D. student to complete their program. Congratulation Jiwasmika!
Proud moment for the lab. Karishma Bisht, today became the first student from the lab to graduate with a Ph.D.! She gave a fantastic defense talk via Zoom on the 25th of June. We are super proud of her and she has certainly set a high bar for future Wakeman Lab graduate students. Congratulations and we wish her the very best for her postdoc research at Princeton University!
Dr. Wakeman is the guest editor for a special issue of Pathogens MDPI focused on “Microbial interactions during infection” . Submit to this special issue folks. It is a very fascinating topic.
Finally we have a new lab logo designed by Karishma Bisht, a PhD student in the lab. We all love it.
Caroline Black presenting her research at the Fall Texas ASM Branch meeting at Tarleton State University.