Tech Savvy 2019
The Wakeman Lab was part of the community outreach event: Tech-Savvy. Tech Savvy is a one-day STEM Conference which is designed for female students in grades 6th through 8th, and their parents. We got a chance to interact with these young enthusiastic girls about the fascinating microbial world and also told them about the different microbial contaminants that one comes across in the day-to-day life. We demonstrated to the students the competition and cooperation that exist in the microbial world. Using the zone of inhibition method we showed them how some of these competing microbes can be sources of new antibiotics while how some other microbes cooperate with each other maintaining harmony.

The lab undergraduate student Brenley is showing the students different microbial morphologies.

The lab undergraduate student Brenley is examining colonies grown on the plates, with the students.

The lab graduate students Jeanette and Jiwasmika are showing the students serial dilution technique.

The lab graduate students Karishma and Moamen are explaining the students pour-plate technique.